Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Week 8

Da-doom da-doom…da-doom da doom…

It was music to my ears.

Today we had our first ultrasound. And yep – there’s a baby in there! Baby Welly (we’ll say “she” and “her” in this entry for simplicity sake) is about 1-1/2 cm long and has a strong heart rate of 158 bpm. She was nestled softly in the uterine wall, resting peacefully. In my mind, Welly was laying there with her hands crossed behind her head and her right ankle resting on her left knee. She may have even been smoking a pipe. Tobacco-less of course.

This was also our first “official” doctor’s visit. Joe accompanied me and I am so happy he did.

Station 1: Height and weight. Joe says “You’re only 5’7? There’s got to be another ½” in there..” To add to my dwarf-like feeling, I’ve put on 5 pounds already! Not good. That’s supposed to happen in the next couple of weeks. I guess eating carbs all the time finally caught up. Dang it.

Station 2: Waiting Room. Insert elevator music here.

Station 3: Ultrasound Room. They waste NO time! I was off with my clothes and WHA-BAM! There’s the baby. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. I wanted to look at Joe but I couldn’t. I was absolutely mesmerized. We haven’t put down the ultrasound pics yet!

Station 4: Waiting Room. Insert angry patient who has been waiting and rolling her eyes every time I’m called. Get over yourself Gaga.

Station 5: Examination Room. Poor Joe. He had no idea what he was in for!

Station 6: Draw blood. They’re actually testing me for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea…obviously these people know very little about my past. Apparently it’s standard procedure.

Station 7: Hardees for a hot ham n cheese. I was obviously distraught about those 5 pounds.

Station 8: McDonalds for a snack size McFlurry…ok, TOMORROW I’ll eat better.

All in all it was a glorious day. Seeing that little flicker of light made everything real…I think more so for Joe than me. It was a beautiful experience to share. His excitement grows everyday as does mine. We are really excited to meet this babe!

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