Wednesday, September 15, 2010

"You just wait"

These three little words carry several different connotations. It could be a sweet plea from a mother to her child about crossing the street. It could also be a positive way of telling someone the good things their future has in store. However more often than not, when you hear this as a pregnant woman it comes out with flames attached, one eyebrow raised and a sinister chuckle. Usually the person leers at you from a peripheral angle because if they look you directly in the eye, lasers would surely beam and make you explode.

Don’t get me wrong – I LOVE hearing each woman’s story about pregnancy, labor and child rearing. I figure anything I can learn about my baby before he (yep, it’s a he this entry) blesses me with his presence, the better. What really irks me is the constant stress on the negatives. A friend asked me the other day how I’ve been feeling. I replied with the same complaint all pregnant women face – exhaustion. Her immediate retort? “Oh you just wait! You think you aren’t sleeping NOW? Pfsh.”

Really people? Do you have to rain on my parade? 1. You asked me how I felt. 2. I told you. 3. You shot laser beams at me. Seriously?

Here’s the truth – I know parts of parenthood just plain suck, particularly in the first couple of months. But why do moms spend so much time talking about the pains and less of the blessings? Just think about it the next time you complain about anything for that matter. Most of us are fortunate beyond our understanding…so why lament in our hardships?

Rant complete.

Now for Baby Welly…I had a check up last week aka an interrogation about my health. The nurse actually told me “this is one of the most boring health reviews I’ve had.” Which is good news I suppose. The only caveat was that my Rubella vaccination has worn off. Meaning: if you have German Measles, stay away from me. My weight gain leveled off – I gained 5 pounds in the first trimester which is on the high end but still on target. Thank God my boobs stopped growing for a little bit (says the wife – Joe may have a different take on the fun-bag situation).

Today I am 12 weeks and 5 days along. My pants / skirts are definitely fitting more snuggly. My hips are widening and my belly is fuller. No “bump” to speak of but I’m thicker all over. I’ve delayed posting pictures until there’s a noticeable belly. But stay tuned! I’ll be fat before you know it!


Unknown said...

You'll have no trouble loosing any weight you gain so don't get too worried about it.

Your baby will be, well, a baby. It's not how your baby cries, how much he/she cries, how he/she sleeps, how much he/she sleeps, but rather how you're able to handle it that will leave an impression in your mind.

You have a great support system, more sisters than the average girl, and great parents and in-laws.

So "You Just Wait" for the beauty of child birth and the innumerable number of midnight bonding moments.

It only gets better from here.

Love, Korinne

Mary Claire said...

Some people have made a bad habit of being negative. So all they remember about having a baby is that it was overwhelming. And they want to feel that it is normal to crack -and it is- but everyones experience is completely unique. As if you didn't know the stakes when you and Joe entered this game of family building. It's annoying when women want to ruin you "gestational buzz." And they come at you full force when it's your first. So when the next do gooder says "you just wait" I want you to hear me saying "enjoy" instead of "wait". Enjoy every detail of carrying your sweet baby. The heartbeats, kicks, hiccups and movements. Enjoy the royal treatment in the hospital as you top priority will be to hold your sweet baby all the time.
Enjoy every silly little expression that appears on that goofy little pink face. Savor the napping, the feeding, the cooing, and the cuddling. It's a miracle. And (you'll eventually tire of hearing this too) it goes by so quickly.

Shout It Out said...

Thanks ladies! I appreciate your positivity. Usually I get the immediate "but it's worth it" speech at the very end, but unsolicited advice by mere acquaintances is a little frustrating. I know there are challenges ahead, and I also know that I'm doing everything in my power to prepare myself...but ultimately, parenthood is going to be tough and no book or person will be able to provide a handbook on how to handle issues. Sometimes it makes me wonder whether mothers even like their children! HA! Anyway, thanks for the love ;-)

Kristen Bechtel said...

I just love what your friend Korinne wrote up there. I second that.

Shout It Out said...

I feel like I should also note that I need to take a pill of my own advice -- for the past two months I've complained of nausea and fatigue. It's time for me to take the reigns of my attitude as well! So if you hear me complaining, feel free to grab a spatula or whatever handy instrument is around and flog me...repeatedly. It will hurt me more than it will hurt you ;-)

Unknown said...

Amanda! This blog is too funny! can't believe I am just now finding it! Well from my experiance...1st few months of HIS life is a piece of cake...mmmmmm CAKE. Seriously, newborns eat, sleep,poop,sleep,eat,sleep...sleep sleep and sleep. You can take them ANYWHERE it really is easy. Sleep deprivation...whatever...I never got it! I fed my kids. changed em and put them back into THEIR beds in THEIR room and went back to MY bed in MY room and fell back asleep right away.
My biggest thing was the kids are on my scheule. I am not on theirs. NOW the kids are older and have lives and my schedule starts to morph around theirs...just now its things i love to do. soccer games,basketball games,pool parties and bike rides.
It is all what you make of it and you my friend will have 1 BAD ASS kid!

oh and why have I not seen your husband as of late...does he come before I get to the gym in the evening!?
